Longbay Petroleum Associates Limited is a New Zealand based, privately owned company incorporated on 3rd March 2000.


Longbay Petroleum Associates Ltd has expertise in the following areas of business:


1  Crude oil marketing for small and medium crude oil producers. Our team can assist small and medium producers to optimise their net-back prices, and design strategies to minimise being price takers. In certain circumstances, we can assist with arranging pre-finance of production and all aspects of price
risk management.

2   Strategic oil and energy security planning, including design of storage facilities, optimisation of location considerations, operation and pollution control aspects, and management of physical crude oil inventories.

3   We can undertake due diligence on investment acquisition targets with full confidentiality for
potential acquirers.

4   Mergers and acquisition investigations. Given specific target acquisition information, we assist energy investment companies to short-list prospective companies operating in designated fields of expertise, and within specific geographical areas.

5   Marketing, pricing and shipping for coal. For sellers, we can assist in contract specification offering
to optimise netback return, and can assist in
pre-financing in certain circumstances. Speciality
in sized anthracitic coal, bituminous coal, coal handling, and aspects of spontaneous combustion effecting transportation and storage.

6   Creating additional value out of existing energy contractual arrangements by designing new  approaches to marketing strategy, and developing ideas to create win-win scenaria for buyers and
sellers. As an independent organisation, we can
work with a specified mix of specialist knowledge
and service providers, to create unique solutions
that add value.

7   We represent foreign investors investigating opportunities to supply LNG to New Zealand. Dependable supplies of LNG could assist in
mitigating energy supply security for industrial
users of natural gas and electricity generators
using gas turbines.